Episode 52: Unchained: Tamara's Story

She was 5 when her father joined a cult. She was 12 when she was forced into a child marriage. Today, she is telling her story.

Dr. Tamara MC is an Applied Linguist who researches language, culture, and identity in the Middle East and beyond. She studied poetry and nonfiction at Columbia University. She’s been granted numerous residencies and fellowships, including Bread Loaf, Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Sewanee, Ragdale, Cave Canem, and Vermont Studio Center. She’s widely published in places such as Salon, The Independent, Parents Magazine, Food52, and Ms. Magazine. She was awarded the Pauline Scheer Fellowship and recently graduated from GrubStreet’s Memoir Incubator.  She wrote her debut memoir, Child Bride, for which she is seeking representation.

 Find Tamara here:




Do you need help leaving or resisting an arranged/forced marriage, or do you know someone who does? 


Get Help - Unchained At Last


(908) 481-HOPE

Unchained helps anyone in the U.S., from any community, culture or religion, who is or has been pressured, bribed, tricked, threatened or otherwise coerced to marry – whether they have been married for several decades and have many children or they are facing an eventual or imminent arranged/forced marriage.

Unchained helps women, girls and others regardless of immigration, religion or income status (though some income guidelines apply to the Legal Services Program) and regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Unchained also helps people overseas if they were brought from the U.S. to another country for an arranged/forced marriage, or if they were brought from overseas to the U.S. for such a marriage.

Method & Madness is researched, written, hosted, and produced by Dawn Gandhi

Sound Editing by moInspo

Music by Tymur Khakimov from Pixabay




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Cult Info Since 1979 - Children and Cults: A Practical Guide (icsahome.com)

Home - Unchained At Last

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Garden State of Fear